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Sacramento In-Person Chapter Meeting
Thursday, February 16, 2023, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PST
Category: Chapter Meetings


Meeting Title:
Dulling the Razor's Edge: Understanding, Identifying, and Navigating the Duty of Impartiality

Description of the meeting:
The most basic goals of any administration for a fiduciary are to distribute the right assets to the right people without getting sued. Standing between the fiduciary and these goals are numerous fiduciary duties, not the least of which is the duty of impartiality. The duty of impartiality puts the fiduciary on the razor's edge, requiring a fiduciary to balance the competing interests of multiple beneficiaries in situations ranging from the relatively routine, like investment decisions, to the more complicated, like trust contests and disputes over the distribution of particular assets. This presentation seeks to arm fiduciaries and their legal counsel with the knowledge, strategies, and skills to identify and proactively navigate such situations.

Meeting Date:
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Meeting Time:
11:30 am - 1:00 pm 

Bryan L. Phipps & Jarom B. Phipps

First Citizens Bank

Venue Name:
Weintraub Tobin

Venue Address:
400 Capitol Mall 11th Floor Sacramento CA 95814

Meeting Format:

Yes - Set Menu

Vegetarian option:

Ethics - 1.0

PFAC Members Only:

Meeting Price:
Members: $20
Non-Members: $30
Student Pricing Available? Yes
CSF or UCR: $10 

Level of Difficulty:
Beginning to Intermediate

Thank you to our sponsor:



For More Information Contact:
Brad Kuechler
[email protected]