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Sacramento In Person Chapter Meeting
Thursday, July 18, 2024, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
Category: Chapter Meetings



Meeting Title:
What Fiduciaries Should Know About Chinese Culture When Dealing with Chinese Clients and their Families?

Meeting Description:
Cultural competence can be vital in respecting, gaining trust, and working with clients and family members of different cultures. Ted Ong was raised in an immigrant Chinese family and gained personal cultural experience from his family, by living overseas, and majoring in Anthropology (the study of man) at Stanford University. Mr. Ong will discuss the differences between Chinese immigrants depending on when they arrived and where they come from. He will discuss how culture can impact how you deal with a Chinese family, the different roles family members will play in family dynamics, how to deal with language issues, customs that can strengthen your relationship with a Chinese family, customs surrounding death and burial, and cultural views of medical issues and disabilities. In addition, the issues associated with latch key kids and real estate will be addressed. The presenter will draw on personal experiences and invite sharing of lessons learned from the attendees.

Ted Ong, Principal, Prudent Investors

Thank You To Our Sponsors:
Coming Soon

1.0/1.0 - Estate

Meeting Date:
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Meeting Time:

Meeting Address:
Weigntraub Tobin
400 Capitol Mall 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Instructions For Entry To Weintraub Tobin Law Firm - Wells Fargo Building

  • You can enter and leave our parking garage from either 4th or 5th Street. (Note: occasionally events will prevent entry or exit from 4th or 5th Street but signs are usually well posted. One side will always be open.)
  • When you arrive at Weintraub Tobin if you are taking the elevator from the parking garage, select “G” for Ground floor. When you get to the Ground floor, check in with security in the main lobby area of the building.
  • Security will clear your name as a guest, and scan their card at the elevator for entrance to the 11th floor. (Weintraub Tobin is a locked floor and requires a key card for access.)
  • If you have any issues once you arrive, please contact our main telephone number at (916) 558-6000 and speak to the receptionist or ask for Mary deLeo’s assistant, M’Lisa Cunningham.

Who can attend?:
Members and Non Members (Everyone)

Meeting Price:
Fiduciaries - $25
Affiliates - $35
Students - $15

No Set Menu - Regular Menu
Vegetarian Option Available


For More Information Contact:
Brad Kuechler
[email protected]